The seed

A seed is an incredible little thing. A dormant powerhouse that can do wonders once activated. The greatness that it could achieve, the greatness it could help achieve, the destruction it could cause, the demon it could raise...

The seed can come in many forms... The seed of doubt is one of the most dangerous of them all to plant. The seed rises from our own insecurities. However, this seed grows not into a lovely flower but an ugly parasite. A parasite that slowly devours from the inside, growing on a tree, slowly taking over, feeding off of the host... A malice rotting the tree from the inside as it roots itself, while spreading like a plague, webbing its veins through every fibre of the tree. And sooner than it seems, the tree is consumed in its entirety, left as nothing but a hollow shell, filled only with the outsider, left alive at its mercy, losing its own identity completely. Sometimes, the parasite is so deceptively beautiful that no one sees the dying tree anymore... And soon, it is too late for the tree to be saved at all... 

Much like a seed of doubt, that grows into anxiety, creeping through every fibre of the conscience like dark web. It first kills the hope, then all the positivity, turning one into a hateful being, slowly devouring their minds, their soul, and soon, themselves... Their trust completely gone, it then roots deeper and takes away their morality, their humanity, and everything good in them. 

They are left as a hollow shell of what once used to be... Perhaps a loving soul, but now souless, withered, putrid and vile, spitting rancid words to the ones they loved. 

We must never let this seed grow before it's too late, because unlike a parasite, a doubt once grown cannot be easily erased.

So, never EVER underestimate the power of planting a seed, no matter how small... After all, even a single mustard seed can grow through concrete into a powerful plant of fuel...
