The last whole week has been one hell of a week, an amusingly delightful expereince of the Mediterranean for the very first time! It all comes down to the perks of being a PhD student... Not only did I have the utmost priviledge to attend one of the most prestigious international conference on Corrosion at one of the largest events of the year hosted and organised by European federation of corrosion (EFC), it was also my birthday on monday, so yeah, I had a fabulously informative, productive and down-right awesome time :)
Now, I have been to France before, about 2 years ago for my birthday to Disney, Paris for a weekend. But let me tell me, Paris and the rest of the France can only be as similar as London and Southampton, and by that I mean majorly different. Big cities are made of a whole different culture on their own (and I cannot say I am a huge fan of big cities so to speak). So, when I arrived at Montpellier, I was mildly surprised how different it was from Paris. As a matter of fact, Montpellier, like the rest of the South of France, is strongly maditerranean in culture as it lies right by the warm Mediterranean sea. The subtle pale yellow stone architectures, the inumerate romantically nostalgic alley ways, the burst of colours from nature and otherwise, the whiff of fresh crepes and brewed coffee in all the cafes, the arreys of vine plantation in the country side, the deep blue sea... The French lifestyle has its unique charm that is beyond comparison with any other.
Before I go and give you the intricate details about the place, the culture, the food, the folks and also a little about my personal experience both with my birthday and the conference itself in several individual posts, here is a little taste of the mediterranean for your eyes...
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