Sunny outside... Gloomy inside...


The weather is terrific outside, sunny with clear blue sky, breath of fresh air and warmth like never before… And I am stuck indoors working on my journal paper for my research!

Can I change the fact? Unfortunately not to a major affect since I do indeed need to get the paper written, and I don't have much time… It's not very often that we get this kind of weather in England to start with, but alas! Work comes first… Cursed…!!! It's quite sad really. Anyway, a long weekend is coming up… especially, with the monday bank holiday around the corner. And I am looking forward only to finishing up the paper and taking a deep breath of sigh after all the hard work.

The past wednesday I met a lovely Romanian girl while at London during my trip for the visa interview. She was stuck indoors at the pub
she worked in on a warm sunny day, working a mundane job she so desparately wanted out from... It was nice to get acquainted. It was nice that we shared the same opinion about the weather, about dreams, about life... Oh the life of adulthood and all the frenzy and forced (in)sensitivities it creates! Shackled as we are to live up to the societal standards... Work, earn, eat… A busy bee without purpose… Huff… 

Things could be so much simpler if we were just trolls now wouldn't it... 

Anyway... Have a HAPPY WEEKEND everyone xxx
