While on our camping expedition to Weymouth, we had visited a lovely friendly cafe, Revolution, who had very graciously offered to safe-keep our bags while we went on our day-hike to Portland. There, out of courtesy we had bought a cup of peppermint tea and what could be called a divine peace of heaven! It was banana and chocolate flavoured brownie and tasted absolutely amazing. So, taking inspiration from it, here's another recipe for delicious brownies/cake that I recently conjured up to experiment with flavours. This one, like my last one, is also a banana based dessert but without gluten and nuts.
2.5 cups Coconut flour2 Ripe bananas
4 Eggs
1 cup Honey/brown sugar
1/2 cup Cocoa powder
200g White and dark chocolate chips
2 tsp Vanilla essence
1/2 cup Coconut oil
Pinch of rock salt
*For a spongy cake, just add 1 cup of self raising flour
Pre-heat the oven at 180 degree C. Line a cake pan with baking paper. Meanwhile, melt the coconut oil in the microwave for about 10-20 sec.In a blender, blend the bananas, eggs, vanille essence and honey together.
Once well blended, add to a bowl containing all the dry powdery ingredients. Mix until well combined. I added self-raising flour to mine that made it rise like a sponge cake but you can use plain flour too to make it more dense. Next add oil and fold in the chocolate chips. Combine properly again.
Pour into the cake pan and bake for 25-30 mins until firm.
A small tip I learned: if making cake and you want it moist, add a baking tray with cold water in it at the botton of the oven while baking the cake. The moisture gets absorbed in the cake and makes the perfect moist cake ever (verified for sure by me)!
Once done, cut into sqaures and let cool. Garnish with honey, sprinkle a bit of coconut dust or flakes and rock salt and VIOLA!
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