Under the deep blue Red Sea...

Under the sea exist a world teaming with life, the likes of which I had never seen... Under the sea, the world is enchanting, a place so blue and serene...

Ever since I went to a visit to my first aquarium some 20 odd years ago, it has been one of my biggest dreams to swim amongst the strange and wonderous sea creatures, to be able to actually observe them in their natural environment, and not just in an aquarium, swimming all together in harmony. In the deep blue of Red Sea, from spotted sting rays to moray eels, stone fish to clown fish, octopus to napoleon fish, crocodile fish to tiger fish, parrot fish to sea slugs, giant magestic eagle rays to the amazing coral reefs, I have had the utmost priviledge to finally live this dream (although for the second time). An experience of something inexplicably glorious, a fragment of the marvelous glimpse of the underwater world that is indeed vast beyond measures... 

This diving trip to Egypt has been one of the best experiences of the year so far (and that includes attending my best friend's wedding, seeing a smoking volcano in the scenic hills of Chile, beholding the great Niagara Falls, and walking up to the Great egyptian Pyramids!!!). Well, I always believe that somethings just cannot be learnt without experiencing it in person, and diving in to the clear sea has to be one of them. 

For example, I always wondered why the name "Red Sea"... I mean, was the sea really reddish in hue or is there something in the sea that denotes it its name? Well, as it turns out, Red Sea isn't called so because the sea itslef is red in colour, rather it is of a very deep blue hue, but it gets its name from the bright red corals domiciling in the massive reef life underneath. But I wouldn't have known how lovely these reefs actually are if I hadn't seen them for myself in person.  

Ever since my first diving expedition in Dominican Republic a year ago, I have been more than excited to carry on with the hobby, at least once each year. This year it was in a whole new continent, in a whole new culture, that I had never explored before (albiet restricted to the westernized bubble of a resort, although I did get to mingle with the culture a bit...). This has been a great developmental and educational trip, both physically and mentally, for me and I have had the opportunity to not just take away an experience of lifetime but also make some incredible friends along the way.

Anyway, here are a few glimpses of what we saw through the lense:


Photo courtesy: Rihannon Smith
