Melania Brescia

Here is a 22 year old photographer from Málaga whose simple yet sensually soft self-portraits with powerful emotions make you stare at her creations that draws you into it like a black hole. She knows just how to play with her props and lights to grab the attention in right way without over doing the sexuality (although she sure is very sexy herself). Like the picture with paper birds, how many of us haven't played with them? I guess barely any… It is so simple an act, so nostalgic that it triggers so many memories and emotions in us… And to capture that as it is makes her the admirable artist that she is. 

Here are some of here beautiful self-portraits that speak a story of their own, you just need to see...

Beautiful aren't they… And very inspiring too.

Hope you liked them as much as I… will try and get some of own :) Till then,

Love always,

