Give a hoot to… OWLS

Many a times I have been left wondering to myself, "Why owls?" Yup my dearies, not my life choices, not what I'm going to eat for dinner but WHY OWLS over took the entire nation with a hoot and are now soooooo viral EVERYWHERE in Britain.

But wait a minute, didn't we see owl accessories and prints back in 2010 too? Yes indeed, owls have been around the fashion hub for not just past 2-3 years but a full decade or more in fact. My dear lovely readers, today I would like to share my knowledge and views about the on-going trend of Owls

I did a bit of "research" and looked up why owls have become so popular now. Turns out, they haven't! They have been a trend since, well, 60s!!! Be it in a Aerosmith, Howling bells, and about 500 other album covers, to Harry Potters, Winnie the Pooh, and MANY other cartoons, owls have forever been a forerunner as the most popular animal. Guess what the logo for one of the most frequented online company, Tripadvisor is? Yup, you guessed it right, it's an owl… People seem to love it so much so that even companies like Sky has used them to promote their products. Who can blame them? I mean, owls make everything much more attractive!

Owls represent wisdom in some cultures and evil in others. The most famous I can think of is the greek goddess Athene's legendary owl of knowledge. For millennia owls have been associated with mystery, darkness, night, wisdom, danger, and what not. No wonder they are everywhere...

We all already know that owls are nocturnal predatory birds, with the ability to turn their head almost 360 degrees around, and can be tamed as you will find on youtube :) All the info you need about owls you can always find it in wikipedia. But here's a little fun fact about these wonder creatures I would throw in just for, well, fun: they have asymmetrical ears, some are asymmetrically positioned, whereas some have completely asymmetric shapes. The satellite-like disks around their eyes indeed work like satellite disks that collect sound waves and direct them to their ears. There are more than 200 species of owls, with new species found every decade till date. Ornithologists fascination… I personally like them cause they are cute.

Owls have always been there in our lives, as part of our culture, in home decor as ornaments like bookends, pictures and wall arts or useful items such as condiment containers, pillow cases, as well as in many other things such as music, art, films and even education ("Owl Puke" anyone?)… 

I remember Hedwig, the snowy owl, from Harry Potter… And little Pegwidgeon, the cutest little stout owl of Ron. The latter is the more popular one that you see on every fashion products these days be it in jewellery, bags, clothes prints or shoes… Turns out owls are quite fashionable, I meant the design and prints and not the creatures of course. Once the trend started, it never stopped. The first time I saw them at the fashion outlets in 2012 I was quite fascinated but didn't really think much of it.  Pretty soon the trend spread everywhere... There were cute little tea sets, salt shakers and pepper casters, metal bibelots, ceramic and china wears… From Zara to Sainsbury's there were millions of things made in owl designs.

Where it all actually began one would never know… May be a group discovery or may be someone's accidental hiccup… I can only say - WELL DONE!!!

I was one too many times tempted to get some of my own however, for some reason it never happened. There were some pretty fancy owl trinkets on eBay that were cheap as chips. I also fancied getting some owl printed tees but that also never happened (boo!). But I did gift my friends some precious owl purses that (as they tell me) they treasure a lot! And now, I have one for myself too :) And intend to collect a whole lot more...

Well, there you go, wether we'll ever know what started the whole owl trend, we can definitely say we love and adore them.

And since I'm so generous here is a free printable wall art of my own nerdy owl I made as a tribute to these lovely beasts for you lovecats…

With Much Owl Love,

P.S: please check here for the owl font if you fancy ;)
