Piece of my mind

My newest doodle… Doodle is not just a non-sensical art form that we draw without meaning and purpose when we are bored, it expresses us in million different ways… Take a quick look at what goes on in a person's head… Not necessarily mine alone ;)

I've read more than couple of times that the three most prominent thoughts in a person's mind are: Food, Sex and Death… Although I have made these quite obvious in my doodle sketch, there are other subliminal messages that you can find…

So, basically what I was trying to portray was that there are three different layers of a person's consciousness… The central part being the inner most layer, hence, the un-consciousness... there is the brain and the complex thoughts running though the neuro-system, with artistic skills and knowledge getting absorbed unconsciously…

2nd layer is more like day dreaming, the subconscious mind. There is the thought of food, petty temptations, then there is logic, there are also dreams of waves and intricate calculations (symbolised by math)… and then there are things your mind absorbs while doodling itself… That is because according to DNews (Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N8gdStQHQxI) doodling actually helps increase your focus during a long and dull class, making you learn MORE than you would by just listening to the super boring lullaby of a lecture… Of course it should be done in moderation, and not fully immersed in doodling alone.

And the third layer is the conscious mind that has predominant thoughts… Sex, birth, death, shopping, luxury, feminine things (for girls) and random rubbish that even the person thinking it cannot remember after a while (refers to the bottom-right criss-cross doodle)…

The directions and arrows mean that a person's brain is always calculating the ups and downs of each decision, weighing each options, as well as the exits for each situations…

Well, hope you enjoyed analysing it :)

See you next time with more doodle…

Till then,

